Health and Wellbeing Board

16 November 2022

Report of the Manager, Healthwatch York


Healthwatch York Report “What you’ve told us so far in 2022”


1.           This report is for information, sharing details about what we have heard recently with the Health and Wellbeing Board.


2.           Healthwatch York has a key role within the Integrated Care System guidance to make sure what matters to people in York is reflected in our design, delivery and review of health and care services in the city.

Main/Key Issues to be considered

3.           The ongoing involvement and engagement of Healthwatch York with the work around Integrated Care Systems has been identified by a number of stakeholders as key. Healthwatch York are keen to work with all partners to make sure we collectively develop a wide range of ways for people to be at the heart of this transformation.


4.           The comments within this report were gathered as part of two consultations. The first was the Big Question work, and this report provides the details of all the responses given to Healthwatch York. The second was our annual Awareness Survey, where we included two questions about Integrated Care Systems. We have also included feedback received through our Information and Signposting Service.  


5.           Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to note Healthwatch York’s report.

Strategic/Operational Plans

6.           Areas of work discussed within the report have helped contribute to a number of different strategic and operational plans.


7.           There are no specialist implications from this report.


There are no financial implications in this report.

Human Resources (HR)

There are no HR implications in this report.


There are no equalities implications in this report.


There are no legal implications in this report.

Crime and Disorder

There are no crime and disorder implications in this report.

Information Technology (IT)

There are no IT implications in this report.


There are no property implications in this report.


There are no other implications in this report.

        Risk Management

There are no risks associated with the Annual Report.



8.           The Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to:

i.             Receive Healthwatch York’s report

Reason: To keep up to date with the work of Healthwatch York and be aware of what members of the public are sharing with us.

Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Siân Balsom


Healthwatch York

01904 621133



Siân Balsom


Healthwatch York


Report Approved











Wards Affected:  All






For further information please contact the author of the report



Annex A - Healthwatch York What you’ve told us so far in 2022 report

Guidance (